Called to order: 6:31 PM
Facilitated by: Kellie Jenkins
Held at: Richland Public Library, Gallery Room
The meeting was called to order by outgoing President Donna Glass and a quorum of members was present. Minutes from the 2011 Annual Membership meeting were distributed and approved.
- Declining membership resulted in a $5,000 budget deficit and required the board to cash in one of the CDs to pay its bills in 2011
- Anticipate additional loss of members in 2012
- 2011 costs required that we seal the parking lot and included other maintenance costs.
- Increase in dues required to cover costs and rebuild our reserves
- Board members will also pay dues
- The underground sprinkler system cannot be patched any longer. The Board proposes replacing it with above ground drip irrigation
- Bath house roof maintenance that will need to be put on hold for 2012. The bath-house cedar roof needs to be repaired or completely replaced but the funds are not in the budget to do that. The Board was asked if there is an insurance advantage for putting on a composite roof. We will have to look into that.
- Lifeguard hours will be reduced. There will be no morning lifeguards and other hours may be curtailed
- This year we need to replace the solar cover that has not been factored into the 2012 budget because we do not have an estimated cost
The budget for 2012 was reviewed, discussed, and passed by the membership.
Karen Buxton discussed the results of the membership survey.
Kellie Jenkins talked about changing the rules about who can come to the pool unsupervised. In order to limit pool liability in view of reduced lifeguard hours, the Board proposes changing the age of unsupervised swimmers to 18 and above. Anyone 17 and under would have to be accompanied by an adult if they want to swim during unguarded hours. Historically, pool vandalism has most often been committed by pool members and guests aged 14-17. Members discussed raising the age of unsupervised swimmers to 18 and agreed that it was a good idea. Kathy Arnzen asked if lifeguards would have to be 18 and Donna Glass explained that lifeguards who are 16 and 17 have lifesaving training and for that reason are qualified to supervise swimmers.
Forming an LLC was discussed as an option for limiting personal liability of members who are also owners of the pool. This would require hiring an attorney and those costs have not been assessed. We are not aware of any pool members who are attorneys who may be interested in providing legal counsel.
There was additional discussion about eliminating work party credits. Currently members earn a $75 work credit for 4 hours of work. The pool board can hire help at $10.00 an hour and save money.
Mrs. Kay Fox said work parties are a community building activity and President Kellie Jenkins said that the pool board would continue to sponsor Potlucks for community building. Christine McKinnon recommended that we ask for volunteers from the membership to help open and close the pool before hiring help.
Landscaping was discussed and Xeriscaping was recommended for the pool. Washington State University has a professor who has expertise in this area. Removal of the current landscaping is not without cost. All of the Pool Board members work or go to school full-time and do not have an abundance of time to devote to the pool landscaping. The pool does not have funding to hire landscapers.Returning Board Members
President, Kellie Jenkins
Secretary, Karen Buxton
Pool Manager, David Holmberg
Board Elections
President Donna Glass asked for a motion to affirm the ballot. It was moved and approved. Incoming board members:
President Elect, Donna Glass
Treasurer, Roger Mann
Junior Pool Manager, Ryan Fox
Important Dates
Pool Keys Available: May 19 8:00 am-12:00 noon and May 26 1:00-3:00 pm
Dues payment with no late fee: June 9, 2012
Open Forum
Bob Lewis suggested looking at the costs to make flyers. Christine McKinnon and Bob Lewis agreed to join the ad-hoc committee.
Ad-hoc committee members:
Ken Buxton
Brad Jenkins
Jan Stephan
Bob Lewis
Christine McKinnon
Meeting Adjourned at 7:40 PM