Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 2013 Newsletter

Dear Club Members:

I hope you have been enjoying the pool when the weather allows.

Due to popular demand, the closing time has been extended to 10:00PM daily, 7 days a week.
The pool schedule is:
6:30-8:30 AM Adult Quiet Swim
8:30-12:00AM/PM Unguarded Family Swim
12:00-1:00 PM Adult Lap Swim
1:00-5:30 PM Guarded Swim
5:30-7:00 PM Adult Lap Swim
7:00-10:00 PM Unguarded Family Swim

The pool is super-chlorinated on Saturday night. The pool opens at 12:00 on Sundays with the same weekly afternoon schedule.

If the temperature dips below 65 degrees Farenheit, the pool will close until the temperature increases.

If you invite guests, please remain with them for the duration of their visit. Every family may bring up to five guests at a time. Please regard the safety rules and policies as they benefit us all as a club.

The guards and maintenance specialists this year are Tri-Cities finest, Aurora Oberg and Tess Jenkins.

The 3rd Annual 4th of July Hot Dog Roast and Pot Luck will be held from 1:00 to 4:00 PM on the 4th of July. Bring your favorite non-alcohol drink and a dish and come and enjoy the pool. The Board will provide hot dogs and the fixins’ ( vegetarian/vegan and gluten free options, too).

If there are questions or concerns, please contact Kellie Jenkins, 375-9070.

Enjoy  Swimming at Northview!