NVSC Members,
Preparations for pool opening are going well and we
will be ready for opening on May 28. A big Thank You to all who have
helped with this!
However, an issue was found when I turned on the
sprinklers. When I did so, water came pouring out from under the edge of
the parking lot pavement at the north parking lot entrance/exit on Davidson St.
(where the parking lot meets the sidewalk). Brad Jenkins indicated that
there is a leaking sprinkler pipe in the pavement. Repairing this will
not impact opening, but until this is fixed we can’t use the sprinklers.
The repair will require taking out a strip of
concrete, perhaps some trenching, replacing the damaged pipe, and replacing the
concrete. This has been repaired before but that repair failed. It
appears that the failure was due to the repair not being robust enough to
handle cars driving over it as they exit the parking lot. My
understanding is that the prior repair was done by club members. I don’t
know how long ago the repair was done, but it has been a few years.
I believe that we have two options. If someone
from the club would be able to plan, organize, and lead a work party to make
repairs that would be the lower cost option. However, whoever did this
would need to have the technical expertise to correctly design the repair.
The second option would be to hire someone to do this (possibly a
landscape company).
The purpose of this letter is to find out if any of
the club members would be capable of and willing to undertake this
repair. The board members (and I’m sure others in the club) would be
happy to volunteer to do the work, but we need someone to lead the
effort. If we can’t identify someone to take this role, the board will
hire someone to do this work.
The Board needs to know by May 27 if anyone would like
to take on this project so that we can move forward with the repair.
Please let us know if you are interested.
If you have any questions about this (or want to see
the water coming out of the pavement) please give me a call at 509-899-8081.
George Mellinger
2015 President