and that means swimming time is coming!
Northview Swimclub Members -
Please save the date, April 13, 2017 at 7:00 PM, for our next
General Membership Pool Board Meeting. We will meet at the pool. You may
pay your dues (currently $400) and exchange/return keys at this time.
WE NEED YOU!!!! We have 61 members in our pool, which means every
6-7 years we need you to serve on the board. We have a current need for
someone to be our President Elect (or the vice president). Our current
ballot looks like this:
President: Matt
Douglas (George Mellinger outgoing)
Elect: (You!)
Secretary: Anna
Manning (Christine McKinnon out going)
Sr. Pool
Manager: Helen
Jr. Pool
Manager: George
Treasurer: Dimitri
In order to get the pool clean and ready to swim by Memorial Day,
we need to clean it out. Please save some Saturdays in May to come
and help. YOU are the ones who clean it, if you cannot come, please send someone
to represent your membership.
Speaking of memberships… We currently have 61 paid members. Our pool can
hold 99, which means we need more members. Do you have new neighbors?
Friends? Family?
Lifeguard… As always, we are looking for lifeguards to help in the summer.
If you are interested, or know someone who is interested, please let
us know. Lifeguards may also teach classes in addition to the 1-5 PM
lifeguarding hours.
Let me know. Thanks!