Monday, July 20, 2009

July 2009 Newsletter

The swim season is off to a good start. We hope you've had many chances to enjoy the pool.

Upcoming Potluck July 25th - Mark your calendar. We will hold our second summer potluck on Saturday, July 25th at 5:30. We had a great turnout for the first potluck despite some rain. Please join us at the pool; it won't be as much fun without you,

Lifeguard hours - Children under 16 years of age must be supervised. Children 9 and older are welcome to swim while a lifeguard is on duty or with an adult. We request that children wait until 1:30 PM to arrive for afternoon swimming. Lifeguards are scheduled for the following hours:

Sunday - Saturday: 1:30-5:00 PM
Sunday - Thursday: 6:00-9:00 PM
Friday - Saturday: 6:00-10:00 PM

Slide and Diving Board - Enjoy the slide and diving board during the hours posted above and when a lifeguard is present. These apparatus may only be used while a lifeguard is on duty and not during lap swim.

Lifeguard Chair - The lifeguard chair is off-limits to everyone except the lifeguard. Members and guests may not use the chair for any reason.

Lap Swim - Lap swim is scheduled every day from 12:00 noon-1:30 PM and from 5:00-6:00 PM. Recreational swimmers must leave the water so that members who wish to swim laps have full access to the pool during scheduled hours.

Now Accepting Lifeguard Applications - Michelle Smith, pool manager, is recruiting for the positions of part-time and substitute lifeguards. Please contact Michelle at 375-1320 for more information.

Please Remember Your Key - Please bring your key with your and let yourself into the pool. Do not open the gate for people who ask to be admitted. They may not be members and should not be using the pool. If you have lost or misplaced your key, please contact Karen Buxton, 375-3140 for a replacement.

Band-Aids - If you have an open wound or cut that must be covered by a band-aid, for your safety and for the safety of others, please do not use the pool. Band-aids are prohibited.

Picnics and food - You are welcome to eat your picnics and snacks in the covered area and on the aggregate (rocked cement) area of the pool grounds. Health rules prohibit eating in or near the water.

Northview Swim Club Blog - The Northview Swim Club Membership Handbook for 2009 is now posted on the blog.

Pool Board Members
President: Diane Turney - 539-8386
President Elect: Ardis Rukavina - 375-4704
Secretary: Karen Buxton - 375-3140
Treasurer: Angie Rhyne - 375-4020
Pool Manager: Michelle Smith - 375-1320
Jr. Pool Manager: Kellie Jenkins - 375-9070

Please feel free to contact any of the pool board members with questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns about the pool.