The annual membership meeting is coming up on February 23rd and we will be electing three new pool board members for two year terms. Last year when Kellie Jenkins called and asked me to serve I had to think about that decision. I have been a member of the club for 10 years. My husband served as pool manager but I hadn’t done my part to personally invest in a neighborhood resource that I enjoy so much.
Of course, my membership dues are waived for the two years that I serve but there are other benefits to participating in pool management. As a lap swimmer I tend to see the same folks each time I swim so in addition to experiencing a new sense of ownership for the pool, I have met many more of my neighbors. My service gives me an opportunity to give back to my community and help shape the future of an attraction that I want to see managed well. I appreciate how much pool board members before me have invested in providing neighborhood families with an excellent place to exercise and relax. I wanted to be part of that tradition.
Karen Buxton
Secretary, Northview Swim Club