Monday, June 6, 2016

June has arrived...

Hello Northview Swim Club members…..

The summer heat has arrived, even if summer has not.  Our membership is up to 50, with 2 more coming this week.  To reach our budget goal of 62 we need 10 more members.  Please call my house before you come over to pay your dues, to make sure I am home.  375-4040

This year we are hosting 2 open swims… to invite our neighbors to come and swim for free, and try out the pool.  Those will be Saturdays June 11 and June 18th, both from 1:00-5:00PM and a 5:00 potluck afterwards.  We want to warn you there may be extra people in the pool that day. 

We have a few new members… please come say hello to them at the Northview Potlucks on June 11 and 18th at 5:00 PM.  Come to one, or come to both, we would like to see you there..

Our lifeguards are awesome!  Ask them to teach your kids how to swim.

Enclosed are two new fliers to hand out to new neighbors or people who are interested in the pool.

Safe Swimming!
Christine McKinnon
NVSC Secretary